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This week my dear elderly friend of many years is lingering between life and death. I have been beside her bed for almost a week now and it has been interesting to witness the soul spending more time on the other side while the body is trying to cope without the guidance. As a medium, I have sensed her family in spirit waiting beside her bed to take her home, an angel who comes to visit and bring comfort and I am not sure if Norma is aware of any of this or not. She is now non-communicative and I wish she could answer my questions. There is nothing to fear when you take your last breath as it is a beautiful journey to go home where our loved ones are and to feel free from the heaviness that we feel on this planet. The denseness of living here is nothing compared to the beauty, love, happiness, lightness and joy that we feel when we go home. I read once that when a baby is born we celebrate here on earth but in the spirit realm they mourn the loss of their friend but when a loved one dies here on earth we mourn them but the souls in heaven celebrate their homecoming. Isn't this beautiful!

We are surrounded in love - the most powerful feeling there is.

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Do you fulfill your soul on a regular basis? I have been recognizing the importance of this lately. We can go everyday in our routines without seeing the beauty of Mother Nature; or truly not listening to what our children are saying as we are focused on all that we need to get done daily; going from point A to B without being present; eating and not truly tasting the food we are eating and these are only a few examples. We are all just existing to get through the day and then start all over again the following day.

The importance of fulfilling your soul means living a richer more enjoyable life. We need to slow down and be present. This could mean going for a walk, and noticing the beautiful x-mas lights or how the air feels so crisp on your face; to read a good book; play games with your children; meditate; tune into your spiritual calling; learn something new; watch the sun rise or set. These again are just a few examples on how to fulfil the soul. Everyday if you took the time to quiet the mind you will find the stillness welcoming but also healing. I have been doing this exercise for years now and I truly can say my life is much calmer, even on a busy day, and enriching; I feel safer when driving because I am present; I even enjoy washing my dishes because I am enjoying how the water feels on my hands. These are simple things but they do make a huge difference.

Try it for a day and witness how it feels.

Many blessings

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How often have you stopped in this life and reflected on how much you accomplished and how much you have grown? I had one of these moments this week. I was a shy, withdrawn, quiet, a follower, someone who was easily ignored and forgotten about easily. I had no real direction in my life until I reached my 40s. This is when my spirituality really came into view and my life started changing.

I have had more valleys than peaks in this lifetime but looking back at them all, they made me who I am today. Trust me, I would not want to repeat any of this life due to the difficulty it was to live it but I am a much stronger woman than I was.

My self-reflection moment was I have become a leader, I am an empathic healer, a life coach to help others on their healing journey, I have have run two successful businesses that I created and so much more and all of this has brought such an inner peace for me. I discovered what I was capable of doing great things that I never imagined I could when I was in my 20s and 30s.

Take a moment and look at your accomplishments and in that moment be proud of yourself. We all need to acknowledge our inner strength, our courage and fortitude to keep moving forward with who we are today. All our valleys have been learning life experiences which has helped our soul grow and to remind us that there is still so much more for us to learn and expand upon.

Many blessings,

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Harmony in Healing

Nancy MacCallum

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Nancy MacCallum
Esther Drive, Barrie, Ontario

Tel: 705-718-3777


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