Hi Everyone!
I want to write about something that has come to my attention numerous times now and that is about TRUST.

Trust - it something that most of us have struggled with, doubted it and lost faith in. We all have been hurt by putting our trust in someone else and then being betrayed, hurt or even judged. I know I have and it takes along time to heal from those feelings but the wonderous thing is that we do heal when others have hurt us. Time does heal.
I feel compelled to write about when we lose trust within oneself.
This could be putting your trust in Spirit and feeling let down because your thoughts did not create what you were hoping for; or trusting that you thought you were emotionally stronger than what you are; or trusting you made the right decision and found out you were wrong. There are many more examples but you have the idea. I definitely had trust issues with myself growing up and in time began thinking I could not trust my own decisions.
What I have come to understand as I get older and spiritually stronger is that I do trust. I place my trust and faith in God and ask for the highest outcome in every situation that I find myself in. I trust that I will be taken care of and guided by Spirit. I trust that when I ask for help, I will receive it. I no longer doubt myself when it comes to trusting. Trust works with faith which works with believing. Three powerful words to live by.
As humans we are here to learn and to grow from life lessons and I feel trust is a life lesson to learn. We cannot stop trusting our instinct even at times when we think it has waived off to the side or the outcome isn't what we expected. We have to trust that our Soul knows what is best for us and keeps us on the path we are meant to be on.
Do not stop believing in yourself and start trusting God and your Soul that you will always do what is best for yourself.
Big hugs,
Nancy MacCallum,