Sometimes, as we know, life gets difficult and it doesn't prepare us for some of the hardship that we encounter. It is not easy being here and deal with what life can throw at us. These hardships can either make us emotionally stronger or feel like it can break us and then we have to find a way to put our life back together.
When we go through tough times we want to reach out to love ones or friends and most times they will sit and listen to us and offer advice. The sad thing is that we all live busy lives and it is hard to give someone the extra attention they are needing.
This is where I can step in and help. I do not have a degree but I have lived through some terrible things and experienced the most incredible hardships. I have been emotionally and physically abused; raped; elementary school was rough as I was picked on; lived with depression; failed marriage; raised two children on my own and through all of these life experiences, I found a way to pick myself up, brush my knees off and keep going. I had no one to reach out to as my mother was an alcoholic and my father was someone I could not talk to.
So I am reaching out to you. If you need emotional support, I will listen and be able to guide you with the wisdom and knowledge that I have gained.
You are not alone.